Been a minute wince we’ve checked in on our man from Dardanelle. Sen. Tom Cotton got all riled up Wednesday during a Senate Judiciary Committee. I wouldn’t call his tirade a fact-finding mission, quite, but he really, really doesn’t like Attorney General Merrick Garland.


He is very mad about various things. Mainly he is mad at federal law enforcement officers investigating threats against school administrators and school board officials, but he also seems to be mad about Black Lives Matter, mad about people picking on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, mad about transgender policies in schools. And other stuff. Cotton continually used the scare-quotes gesture furiously. Even his fingers are mad.

“This testimony, your directive—your performance is shameful,” Cotton bellowed. “Thank God you’re not on the Supreme Court. You should resign in disgrace, Judge!”


Cotton then reportedly stormed out of the room.