
All the news that doesn’t fit in print - The Pasadena Star-News

I read a lot of newspapers. They’ve been an integral part of my life since I was a kid. My dad was in the business, and we had three or four papers tossed on our driveway early each morning. He needed to know what the competition was up to before leaving for work.

One of the important jobs I performed for our household was to gather the papers up, remove the rubber bands that held them together and place each on the kitchen table for family perusal. We would invariably discuss the big issues of the day at breakfast, often while pointing a demonstrative finger at an article in question. There were always big issues. Just like today.

A positive argument for newspapers is they can be a communal family resource. They’re shared, and since all the interested folks read the same stories, discussed as well. They provide a more social experience than, say, viewing slanted Fox News broadcasts all day. Or spending equally long hours watching tamed electrons swirl on computer monitors.

That said, there are certain sorts of stories that often don’t seem to make it to the papers. Fears of messy controversies being one reason. The ideological perspectives of some editors who curate them another. It’s the way things are, I’m afraid. Nothing new about it.

As examples, here are a few stories that I have not seen committed to pulp, yet have been widely read on-line.

The newser Raw Story is running with an article headlined “Jeffrey Epstein said Bill Barr was really running the White House — not ‘moron’ Trump.” Drawn from Michael Wolff’s new book, the deceased and possibly murdered Epstein is alleged to have procured juvenile women for Donald’s pleasure over the span of two decades. Proving again that no john is ever a hero to his pimp.

A Southern California resource I frequent often is called Dead State. The name is a play on the more famous MAGA site Red State. In an article they call “Franklin Graham praises NC Lt. Gov for having ‘the guts’ to publicly call LGBT people ‘filth,’” Billy Graham’s unfortunate son expresses a shocking hatred of gay folks that I do not believe you would have ever heard from Jesus.

One of my favorite news sites is PoliticusUSA. They’re running an article called “Adam Schiff Tells Trump And His Cronies It’s A New World Now And Criminal Charges Are Coming.” The gist being congressional January 6 investigators are issuing subpoenas to the likes of Steve Bannon. Should these individuals not show up and testify as ordered, Schiff assures us they will be dragged into court and even jailed. Good stuff. A democracy that lacks the will to properly deal with its traitors will not long survive.

A piece from The Huffington Post titled “Ex-Spy Behind Salacious Trump Dossier Has Damning Theory About Alleged Pee Tape” is colorful. It points out that much of the renewed interest in the Steele Dossier was caused by Trump himself. “I’m not into golden showers!” he inexplicably blurted out at a recent National Republican Senatorial Committee retreat. As a result Micheal Steele is now touring TV news shows claiming the tape exists, and that its Moscow owners continue to blackmail Trump with it.

Raw Story has another provocative piece. Titled “Trump mocks ‘classic RINO’ Colin Powell after he dies from COVID-19 complications,” it shares how the former president trolled the now dead ex-secretary of state. “He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!” That Trump, who dodged military service repeatedly during the Vietnam era, should attack a highly decorated four-star general just after his death is both cowardly and classless.

Compelling stuff. And now you’ve read about it in the newspaper.

John Crawford is proprietor of the decidedly non-print Sierra Madre Tattler.

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October 23, 2021 at 09:01PM

All the news that doesn’t fit in print - The Pasadena Star-News
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