Defensive back Jalen Mills was part of the New England Patriots defensive overhaul in the offseason. Now, he is just ready and willing to learn. In an interview on Thursday, Mills made comments that should excite Patriots fans.

As he indicated, Mills is always willing to learn and work.  In an interview with earlier this week, Mills noted that he loves to learn new things, and is always willing to do so.

Being back with the team as the organization begins workouts is something that has excited Mills over the last couple of days. It gives him a chance to do hands-on learning and process things visually, something he considers a strong suit.

“I like to learn in person, I like to have walk-throughs, I like to have my coach sometimes sitting there if I mess up to yell at me,” said Mills. “I can take coaching, I love to take coaching, so I think with that being said, having those guys right there in person, being able to help you rather than last year where we’re looking at the monitor, coaches telling you what the coverage is, what you’re supposed to do and then we’re going to camp and it’s full speed… you got this guy motioning, you got this thing happening, it’s totally different. I think right now it’s going to be very, very productive.”

His ability to take coaching and his attention to detail is something that should endear him to Patriots coaches and players alike. Heading into the 2021 season, he has the opportunity to be an important piece on a solid Patriots defensive unit.